Ink painting searches for a place in the modernMany traditional art froms have sought to make themselves relevant to a new century with varying degrees of success
Taipei Times By Susan KendzulakCONTRIBUTING REPORTER Thursday, Jan 25, 2007, Page 15
As we are all excitedly awaiting the grand-opening next month of the newly refurbished National Palace Museum, which promises to be well worth the wait, there is another exhibition currently on view to satisfy our fix for Chinese-style art. Ink Transformation: Modern Ink Painting in Taiwan at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum provides a short history lesson for Chinese ink painting created in Taiwan from the mid-20th century to the present.
在第一屆2006台北當代水墨雙年展「時尚水墨」引起廣泛的共鳴之後,為接續其成效與精神,第二屆2008台北當代水墨雙年展,擬以「科技水墨~ 縱橫東西」為主題。今日,科技的影響,無所不在,科技固然為人類帶來巨大的效能與便利,但也伴隨著很多問題與負面效應。當然,水墨藝術亦深受其衝擊與挑戰。如何因應、調適與突破,已是水墨藝術必須面對的嚴肅課題。「科技水墨」試圖探討科技對自然生態和人文社會的影響,及其相互間的「關係」。